
2075 天前

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-Guest info-

Steven Lin


VanessaCao:今天的嘉宾大咖已经为大家准备了特别多的礼物,热烈欢迎Gojoy CEO Steven Lin。

Steven Lin:Hello everyone! Thank you for your kind words!

VanessaCao:我先介绍一下 gojoy ceo @Steven Lin 

Gojoy首席执行官, 美国籍,Steven是一位在过去20多年中有着卓越业绩的跨界技术企业家和投资人。他在电信、金融科技和区块链领域投资并创建了80多家具有颠覆性的公司。他是一家在洛杉矶非营利性机构的董事,该机构帮助企业从初创公司成长为评级六级的公司。

Steven Lin:Thank you for the introduction



VanessaCao: Gojoy平台是什么?请用一句话总结Gojoy @Steven Lin 

Steven Lin:Gojoy helps business transition to and embrace the new economy through fractionalization and social commerce.

Gojoy is the“new economy”infrastructure provider. We deliver all the components necessary for business to succeed in this new economy.



Steven Lin:Imagine a world where everyone who is a consumer becomes an owner of the products and services they consume. That's social commerce. That's fractionalization economy. This is the new economy.


VanessaCao:第二个关于Gojoy 生态:Gojoy由哪些生态构成?分别在生态中扮演什么角色?

Steven Lin:Our role in the ecosystem is to insure that the infrastructure is serving the community of consumers, vendors, and investors. here are various components to the ecosystem:

1 Gojoy Chain – this is our proprietary wealth fractionalization blockchain.

2 Gojoy Launchpad – program where growing enterprises can apply to launch their fractionalized business models on the

3 Gojoy Chain. Gojoy Member Center – digital assets wallet for Gojoy members.

4 Gojoy MBA – free business training courses for Gojoy members to start their e-stores

5 Joy Coin (JOY) – native currency for the Gojoy Chain, which can only be earned for shopping at the Gojoy mall

6 Joy Dollar (JUSD) – the USD-pegged stablecoin for global commerce; currently being used to pay the hourly cash rewards to Gojoy mall shoppers

7 Joy Pay – global commerce payment system

As you can see, it's a very sophisticated platform with many core components. All components are running for many months.



2)Gojoy+ 企业孵化器,让全球传统企业能够0成本直接转型区块链碎片化商业体,共享全球用户


4)Gojoy MBA商学院,一个免费为所有人提供社群经济学,营销学,区块链碎片化经济学,消费心理学,0成本为每个人提供完整的线上学习

5)JOY币 - 我们公链的主币,在Gojoy 商城购物就可以免费获得,代表的是整个Gojoy平台未来一辈子的现金分红证明

6)Joy 美元稳定币,唯一一个真正由银行存入1美金,生成1美金的JUSD全球稳定币,用来每小时碎片化分红给每个持币者,商城的所有利润的50%每小时共享给所有持币者

7)JOY 跨境支付平台 - 全球美元-RMB,RMB美元,独家牌照的跨境支付系统

我们是技术狂魔,所有系统都已经上线6个多月。你们可以看到,我们开发了很多系统,Steven Lin是宇宙第一牛人。


Steven Lin:The Gojoy mall only came online 6 months ago. As of this moment, we have 112,412 shopping members... I just checked. Ask me again at the end of this session and we can see how many more have joined!This is only after 6 months of going live!





Steven Lin:Gojoy's main competitive advantages are:

- Save up to 50% on the same products you buy on other platforms

- Earn hourly cash rewards just for shopping on Gojoy mall

- Recieve a digital asset that pays you for life!


1)最终你可以省下10% - 50%,我们的产品都是供应商直接到消费者,并且供应商直接获得消费者社群,不敢卖假货,被人海K打死



划重点:消费者即投资者,个人注意力资产不再被平台剥削,改为被Steven Lin剥削,但是他会通过区块链换算币给你们,货源保证直接原厂直供。



Steven Lin:We sell everyday items direct from factory, insuring authenticity of all products. Soon we will have major brands from US and Europe selling on the Gojoy mall. Gojoy eliminated all the fat between the factory and the shopper (including middlemen margins, expensive advertising and customer acquisition costs), and pass that savings to our community.

Peter:我们是唯一一个币,每小时真正的产生利润,并且是完全透明,公平,公开,我们现在美国大部分品牌,欧洲的,都会通过我们的JOY Pay可以直接支付RMB,0关税直达中国消费者,Gojoy 把品牌跟消费者中间的脂肪融化了,并且把省下来的钱,让所有贡献者分享,反正买什么都比天猫便宜,还保证真货。


VanessaCao:第五个问题:Gojoy 链上下一款即将上线的应用是什么?为什么选择这样的应用?

Steven Lin:We are partnering with one of the largest gaming companies to fractionalize their business on the Gojoy Chain.

We chose the gaming industry because that industry is structurally broken. The game publishers end up paying all these costs and advertising to platform owners. So with our fractionalization model, now the gaming consumers can consume the games and own the profit streams of those games.

By fractionalizing, this game company will earn more -- by making your customers your owners everyone wins!!It's win-win-win!




Steven Lin:Tencent and other platforms take up to 90% of the gaming revenue! That's not fair. That's not right.

Blockchain + Gojoy's fractionalization model = All contributors win!



区块链+Gojoy碎片化经济体 = 所有贡献者共赢的模式,没有人输。


Steven Lin:Short-term is to list our Joy Coin and Joy Dollar on the CBX exchange. This will provide a clear path for shoppers and investors to further participate in the growth and success of Gojoy. Also provide liquidity for the entire Gojoy community.

Long-term goal is to continue to invest in our infrastructure so more and more traditional businesses can transition to the Gojoy fractionalization economy!

The Gojoy mall is just our proof of concept that the fractionalization economy works. And the fractionalization economy is fair and transparent. And the fractionalization economy improves lives, families, and businesses!!

We continue to invest and expand our infrastructure because we believe billions of people will embrace the fractionalization economy. Everyone can now participate in the wealth creation of the entire world.

Peter:我们短期会跟CBX 迪拜皇家交易所独家合作,把我们的JOY币(分红权)跟JOY美金币上币到交易所,形成强强联手,最强大的有现金流支撑的币 搭配最合规的交易所,长期我们会不停的在投入到更完善的“底层架构”,让全球几亿用户可以参与到碎片化革命的大浪潮。






Steven Lin:Joy Coin is a representation of the wealth creation power of the fractionalization economy. Joy Coin allows anyone, through the simple act of shopping and gaming and consuming, earn a digital asset that will appreciate in value and delivers hourly cash rewards. Joy Coin will create wealth for the millions and millions of people that cannot create wealth for themselves.

People have to understand that blockchain by itself is nothing. What is great about blockchain is forcing people and businesses to rethink how they transact with each other.

Blockchain is forcing everyone to rethink what value is and how value is created and how to share/distribute that value.





Steven Lin:Gojoy believes the value creation and value distribution is through fractionalization economy. Blockchain is just a tool to facilitate this belief. And everyday, we measure our success by how much value we can distribute and share with this fractionalized economy.


Steven Lin:In 6 months, we distributed and shared US$2.7 million with our gojoy community! Remember, Gojoy is a 6-month old startup and we are giving back money instead of asking for money! That's a revolution!

Peter:Gojoy才成立6个月的初创公司,我们给用户分红而不是去像用户收费,这是我们的革命,没有一家初创公司有这样过! 大家记住,我们从来没有融资过,没有发过币,我们是一个6个月的初创公司,我们没有要过钱,并且跟我们的消费者共同创造了现金利润,对分了50%一半,这个是从来没见过的一场企业革命!

Steven Lin:Very simple. To get JOY Coin, you just need to shop on Gojoy mall. This is the only way to get JOY Coin for free! Just shop and get 30% of each purchase value in JOY. The other way to get JOY Coin is to participate in our token sale on July 7 as an investor.

Peter:很简单,只有2个方式获得Joy币,1)你可以到Gojoy 商城购物,每笔消费都可以拿到30%等值的币,但是一天上限是10个币,并且币的总量是每个月递减,总共要7-10年才会被挖完,10亿的币总量(永不增加),代表了10亿份未来收益权,50%给消费者通过贡献20%利润,7年缓慢挖出。第二种方式,我们把20%的币(2亿),通过每个月在CBX交易所的盲拍竞价,每个月固定由智能合约释放300万个币,全球竞拍,第一次竞拍在7月7号,七夕情人节。


Steven Lin:There are about 40 million JOY coins in circulation. The Gojoy Foundation owns the Gojoy Chain where all the coins are minted and held. A total of 1 billion JOY coins are available from the Gojoy Chain.

Peter:目前有大约4000万的币被挖出(总量10亿),Gojoy 基金会拥有Gojoy 公链,所有的币都被智能合同管控,我们团队没有任何币,也不通过卖币套现,总量10亿的币,缓慢10年释放出来,每个币的释放,都为每个持币者带来法币的收入,平台跟社群平分50%-50%的收益,不论是盲拍的收入,还是每一笔订单的20%利润,都是一半归属于社群,一半归属于瑞士集团公司。

VanessaCao:持币分红是如果操作的?可以介绍更多关于持币分红的信息吗? - 小姐姐肯定很想知道。


Steven Lin:We share 50% of the platform fees with the community. This amount is distributed to all JOY Coin holders based on their pro rata share on an hourly basis.So as our sales increase, the platform fees will skyrocket, and the hourly cash rewards shared with the community will skyrocket too!

Only JOY Coin holders are entitled to receive the hourly cash rewards produced by the entire community.

The hourly cash rewards are paid to the shoppers' wallets directly in Joy Dollar (JUSD)



Steven Lin:You can use JUSD to buy more items at the Gojoy mall. You can also deposit JUSD into RMB in your bank account directly... or you can use the JUSD to buy more JOY Coins on CBX.

Why CBX Exchange? Because CBX is the world's most compliant exchange with all the licenses and regulatory approvals to operate globally.Those are actual wallets!




Steven Lin:We partnered with CBX because they share the same vision and values with us. They are professionals like we are... and we believe in the Gojoy fractionalization business model!



Steven Lin:To participate in our initial token sale on July 7, you will need to register for an account at CBX and pass the KYC through KYC. You can register for a CBX account right now at http://cbx.one

Peter:翻译:要参与我们的创世纪盲拍,300万币全球疯抢,你须要注册一个CBX账户,并且通过KYC。翻译:快去注册 cbx.one 账户,有巨大巨大巨大惊喜!糖果才几百万美金而已。


Steven Lin:There are only 3 million JOY coins for this Genesis auction. There are no lockup period for the Genesis auction.

If you are lucky enough to win some allocations in the Genesis auction, those JOY Coins will be delivered to you when the auction closes.

We are not concerned about anyone selling our JOY Coin because there will be so much cash rewards every hour that they will be giving up!

VanessaCao:我总结一下joy币获得:1 商场消费 2 参加世纪盲拍。



Steven Lin:After having trained over 100,000 suppliers and factories on how to sell on platforms like Amazon and Alibaba, we concluded that the existing ecommerce model is broken. It was nearly impossible for most vendors to make money on these platforms due to the high cost of customer acquisition and expensive advertising costs levied by Amazon and Alibaba.

We saw this as an opportunity to prove our social commerce and fractionalization model on our Gojoy Chain. And since launching 6 months ago, the Gojoy mall had generated over $12 million in revenue and we have distributed almost US$2.7 million to thousands of families in China, just for shopping on Gojoy!

We didn't launch a whitepaper 6 months ago. We launched a new business model which has been proven to be a real business... all without raising a dollar in outside capital!

Peter:翻译:我们通过线上培训了最少10万中国卖家,发现现在的电商模式,有巨大的问题,所有人都在花钱买卖流量,并且转嫁给消费者,如果没有流量成本,消费者是不是能获得更好的收益呢?并且集中式的经济,导致商家都无法赚钱,越来越恶劣的竞争环境,导致劣币驱逐良币,我们发现这个是一个机会可以用区块链来证明,分布式经济,碎片化共享,去中心化社群,能够解决传统电商企业的难题。我们上线6个月,没有做过任何白皮书,直接开发了整个公链,商城,MBA课程,会员中心,Gojoy银行,Joy 支付平台,做了再说。结果不小心产生了1300万美金的销售额,不小心让几万个宝妈共享了200多万美金的利润,也不小心变成了区块链真正的超级独角兽。



Steven Lin:We are a profitable business that uses blockchain technology. We are not a blockchain project looking for business.

Peter:翻译:我们是一个有利润的商业使用区块链技术来分布式确权,我们不是一个区块链技术公司想找出赚钱的方法, 随着商场人数的不断增加,利润金额会越来越大,就像独角兽一样,用户会不断享受增长的红利。区块链的未来,一定不是技术,技术本身是用来创造价值的,真正的区块链价值在于你共享机会给了谁。

一场区块链碎片化革命正在从中国领航,全球的区块链公司没人见过我们这种公司,就像2000年的互联网技术公司看不懂马云做的电商生意,为什么美国前证监会主席会加入我们,为什么纽交所的红人Steve Grasso 加入了我们,不是看上我们的钱,是因为我们代表了未来,代表的是互联网的下半场。中国的运势,来自于逆势中坚韧的成长,我们拥有全球最好的产品供应链,但是我们一直被中间商剥削,一旦中国的草根 + 供应商能够直接面对全世界销售,真正的无国界经济体就形成了!管他什么Facebook的Libra,我们的JUSD会通过商业流通,快速的取代全球的支付,让非洲,印度,南美,都能够直接跟中国对接。

VanessaCao:最后一个问题:对于facebook 发币是什么看法?


Steven Lin:Even Facebook has to rethink it's business model in the face of decentralization and blockchain! Facebook is advertising at its worst!

Facebook pretends to be this "free" platform for you to connect but they rob you of your privacy by selling your data to advertisers. What value did Facebook create in that process?



Steven Lin:With so many US government agencies looking at Facebook and Google and Amazon, due to their absurd advertising business model, they all know their advertising model will not last for long!


Vera Wang:请介绍点实际的商业模式吧。


Steven Lin:Thank you everyone for participating in this wonderful interview!