
1946 天前

摘 要:“令人鼓舞的一点是大企业也进入了加密手机这一领域,这意味着未来值得期待。”


-Guest info-

Zac Cheah

CEO of PundiX


Host:欢迎今天的采访嘉宾——Zac Cheah代表!

Welcome Zac Cheah, Today interview guest!

采访之前,我先给大家介绍一下今天的主持人Irean Kim,欢迎Irean Kim来到今天采访现场。

I want to introduce today interview host, Irene Kim before starting interview. Irene will host your interview lol!

Irene Kim 是Airbloc Protocol的商务主管、并且在ETHCon Korea Organizing Committee也积极地活动。

Irene Kim, is the Head of Business at Airbloc Protocol and ETHCon Korea Organizing Committee!

Zac Cheah:您好,感谢邀请我到499韩国社群。

Hi. Thanks for having me.

Irene Kim:大家好!我是Irene,是以共识为基础的个人数据交换平台——Airbloc Protocol的商务主管;同时我还主持过ETHCon Korea——以社群为基础的非盈利以太坊开发者会议。今天非常期待Zac代表的采访。

Nice tomeet you all! I'm Irene, Head of Business at Airbloc Protocol, consent-basedpersonal data exchange platform. Also hosting ETHCon Korea, community-drivennon-profit Ethereum developer conference. Thanks Vivian for havingme! and looking forward to Zac's interview today!


Excitedto be a host at an interview with Zac, CEO of PundiX!

Q1.Will start an interview! Zac, I guess everyone knows you already, but can youtell us about yourself one more time?

Zac Cheah:嗯,好啊。我是Pundi X的代表以及共同创始人。成立Pundi X之前我曾在Opera、W3C、Google等公司就职过。

Sure. Iam co founder and CEO of Pundi X. Prior to Pundi X I was attached to Opera,W3C, Google.

Irene Kim:那您在这个领域可以说已经积累了丰富的经验和很厉害的知识沉淀吧?

Youmust have a lot of experience and in-depth knowledge regarding this industry!

Zac Cheah:在技术领域我已经工作大概有10年时间了。

I’veworked for more than ten years in the tech industry.

Irene Kim:第二个问题:您为什么对区块链行业感兴趣了呢?您加入到区块链领域有什么特殊的机遇或者事件吗?

Q2. Asyou've worked in tech industry, blockchain must be familiar to you. How did youget interested in blockchain industry? Was there any specific incident orsituation that made you decide to come in?

Zac Cheah:我第一次接触区块链产业是因为我大学时上过一节课,叫密码学,通过这节“公共-民间加密”课程我开始了解了这个行业,为我进入区块链行业奠定了基础。

Wellthe earliest exposure was probably the cryptography classes which I’veattended, ideas such as public-private key encryption etc was first exposed tome in university. I guess that’s the foundation.

Irene Kim:果然教育很重要啊!

I dothink the education is really important and essential.


Q3. Canyou introduce PundiX to us simply? And what’s the main strength/differentiatingfactor from other project?

Zac Cheah:我们关注的重点是adoption和应用实例usecase。比如,XPOS已经进入超过30个国家。我们的目标是实现数字资产的普及化,简单到就像在便利店买水一样。

We arefocused on #adoption and #usecase. For example our XPOS is being rolled out in> 30 countries, and we want to make buying of digital assets as easy asbuying a bottled of water in a convenience store.

Irene Kim:贵公司产品已经远销往全球很多个国家,是名副其实的全球化产品,受人瞩目。这其中,您有特别聚焦哪个国家吗?

interestingto see an actual product used in many countries, and the product being veryglobal. Are there any countries you guys are particularly focusing on?

Zac Cheah:任何时候,我们都是竭尽全力。如您所说,我们的产品已经出口到全球各地。其中,在委内瑞拉和巴西等中南美国家的销售增长情况尤其好。

We tryour best. Well it’s a very global roll out, lately we have seen good growth isthe LatAm market such as Venezuela, Brazil etc.

Irene Kim:原来如此。祝你们在更多的地区旗开得胜。区块链产品什么时候能方便到触手可及呢?

Wouldlove to see that happen! Blockchain product with high convenience. When do youhope to see that happen?

Zac Cheah:我们已经有在30多个国家销售区块链产品,未来还会扩大到更多的地方。

Alreadyin over 30+ countries and looking forward to more.

Irene Kim:第四个问题:最近消息称三星盖乐世手机已经实现搭载区块链技术,我想您也知道这个消息。你认为三星盖乐世选择Pundi的理由是什么呢?

Q4.This time, it was loaded into Samsung gallaxy. Do you know this already:)? Andwhat do you think the reason Samsung gallaxy choose Pundi?

Zac Cheah:这一新闻其实说明了一些有意义的事情。NPXS代币内置到三星区块链,我们也非常意外;三星内部很多事情不会对外公布,所以在正式发表之前,我们我完全不知道。

Thereare two things that happen it Samsung Galaxy - one is that our token NPXS isincluded into the Samsung Blockchain Wallet. This is a surprise to us to :) wedidn’t know until Samsung announced it as they did not inform us.

Irene Kim:原来如此,反正祝贺您。

wowreally? Congratulations!

Zac Cheah:得谢谢三星。

Yeapsthanks to Samsung!

Irene Kim:您觉得三星为什么会选择NPXS?估计业界很多项目都想问这个问题。

Why do youthink Samsung chose NPXS? Many projects would be looking forward to hear that.

Zac Cheah:三星选择的是竞争力强、有夯实基础的项目,很荣幸我们能被三星选中。

Samsungchooses good and solid projects, I am glad that we are being identified as one!

Irene Kim:第五个问题:PundiX之前发表称将会做一个区块链智能手机。现在贵公司和三星合作,您在业务上有什么扩张计划吗?您认为PundiX区块链手机的特别之处在哪里?

Q5.PundiX announced will make a blockchain smartphone, It is expanding itsbusiness by loading blockchain Wallet from large Smartphone companies such asSamsung. What's the difference point of PundiX blockchainphone?

Zac Cheah:首先,我认为令人鼓舞的一点是大企业也进入了加密手机这一领域,这意味着未来值得期待。以区块链为基础的手机XPhone已经实现完全去中心化,文本、SMS、browning、DApps、源代码等都是去中心化的。不仅仅只是加密钱包,现在所有一切都去中心化了。

We arereally glad that big players are also entering the crypto phone space, showsthat we have a promising market! Our blockchain-based phone XPhone is fullydecentralised - text, sms, browning, DApps, source code are all decentralized. Notjust the crypto wallet but everything is decentralized.


Survivingand thriving among big players must been important for you. I believedecentralization is important, and more than that, convenience and high speedis what really matters to end users! For the adoption!

Irene Kim:第六个问题:PundiX以完全的去中心化和量产为目标开发商品,PundiX的终极目标是什么呢?是想通过区块链技术改善人们的生活吗?

Q6.Through full decentralization and product aiming for mass adoption, what isPundiX's ultimate goal? to eventually make our lives better using blockchain?

Zac Cheah:是的,那确实是我们的最终目标。

Yesabsolutely. That’s our hope.

Irene Kim:第七个问题:一些国家已经实现了金融科技公司水平比较高的技术了。那么在尚未实现这么高技术发展的国家,您有什么市场战略吗?

Q7.Some countries have a high level of technology regarding Fintech. What is yourmarketing strategies for countries that are not?

Zac Cheah:我认为发展中国家和还处在发展阶段的国家才是金融科技公司的重头戏。

Webelieve the lesser developed countries wrt fintech might be an even bettermarket.

Irene Kim:非常有意思。能解释一下理由吗?

Interesting.Can you elaborate more about why do you think it's a better market? :-)

Zac Cheah:还未接触区块链的人口就达到几十亿,通过XPOS、XPASS、XWallet等便利的解决方案让这部分人也进入到区块链市场。

Ourobjective is to get the next billion people into blockchain , via simple andeasy solutions such as XPOS, XPASS, XWallet.

Irene Kim:我对X-wallet、X-pos、X-pass也比较好奇。我想499社群的小姐姐们都很好奇。

I wasalso curious about X-wallet , X-pos, X-pass! I'm pretty sure community girlshave been curious about it, too.

Zac Cheah:谢谢。我简单介绍一下。

这个是我用XPOS、XWallet 和XPass购买咖啡的视频。



This isthe video I am buying coffee with XPOS, XWallet and XPass



This isXwallet, crypto wallet and you can download in ios and android.

XPass是NFC card,通过简单触摸就可实现支付。

This isXPass which is NFC card you can just tap and payment is easily done:)

Irene Kim:大家可以关注youtube 视频。

Everyoneshould check out the youtube link.


Beforewe wrap up, is there anything you want to deliver to Korean female communityZac?

Zac Cheah:首先还是非常感谢各位邀请我,希望以后能跟各位达成合作伙伴关系互相学习。

Thanksa lot for inviting into 499! Looking forward to partner and learn from many ofyou thanks.

Irene Kim:非常感谢您!通过此次采访我们学习到了不少。

Thanks.Its the amazing interview! we can know PundiX more than before:)!