
1197 天前

Qitmeer Network 是基于BlockDAG技术的新一代支付网络基础设施,采用Layer1+Layer2(链上+链下)的扩容方案,以跨链智能合约链接整个区块链生态。

CN: Qitmeer的MeerDAG是一个基于BlockDAG的共识,在保证50%哈希率安全和完全去中心化的同时,可以达到每秒一千多笔交易的吞吐量。BlockDAG是中本聪共识的自然延伸,因此它继承了比特币的成熟特征,如高安全性、完全去中心化、稳定的UTXO模型和基于价值支持的工作证明共识。此外,它打破了中本聪共识的交易吞吐量限制,所以吞吐量在理论上可以接近物理带宽限制。

EN: MeerDAG of Qitmeer is a BlockDAG based consensus, which could reach more than one thousand transaction per seconds throughtput while guaranteeing 50% hash rate safety and full decentralization. BlockDAG is a natural extension of Nakamoto’s consensus of bitcoin, therefore it inherits bitcoin’s mature features such as high security, full decentralization, stable UTXO model and value supported Proof-of-Work based consensus. In addition, it breaks the transactions throughput limitation of Nakamoto’s Consensus, so throughput could theologically approach the physical bandwidth limitation.

CN: Qitmeer拥抱整个区块链生态系统,开发者无需研究新的智能合约框架,只需基于相应的跨链协议实现跨链组件,即可与Qitmeer网络互动。更重要的是,在没有链上智能合约的情况下,Qitmeer底层公链保持了尽可能的简洁,变得更加稳定。

EN: Qitmeer embrace the whole blockchain ecosystem, developers are unnecessary o study a new smart contract framework, just implement the cross-chain component based on corresponding cross-chain protocol to interactive with Qitmeer network. What’s more, without on-chain smart contract, Qitmeer underlying public chain keeps as concise as possible and become more stable.

CN: Qitmeer的MeerToken是其代币发行机制。MeerToken由本地资产Meer转化而来,考虑到Meer有内在的价值支持,因为有基于POW的共识MeerDAG。此外,Qitmeer的发行者需要获得一个认证。

EN: MeerToken of Qitmeer is its Token issuance mechanism. MeerToken is converted from native assets, Meer, considering Meer has intrinsic value support due to POW based consensus ,MeerDAG. Besides, issuers of Qitmeer needs to obtain an authenticated.

CN: Qittmer珍惜每个人的贡献努力,每个矿工都会收到按比例的本地同意 - Meer。

EN: Qittmer treasure everyone’s contribution effort, every miner will receive proportional native assent - Meer.

CN: Qitmeer的架构有一个灵活的设计,几乎所有的架构组件都是可插拔的,以适应区块链技术的快速发展。到目前为止,网络层已经升级到libp2p,有3个BlockDAG共识算法共同工作,以达到最佳的共识性能,并准备在必要时更换为改进的算法。挖矿算法也在不断发展,以适应CPU、GPU、FPGA、ASIC等各种挖矿平台。跨链智能合约也符合这一原则。

EN: The architect of Qitmeer has a flexible design that almost all the components of the architect are pluggable to adapt the rapid growth of technology in blockchain. So far, the network layer has upgraded to libp2p, and there are 3 BlockDAG consensus algorithms work together to reach optimal consensus performance and ready to be replaced with an improved whenever necessary. The mining algorithms has been evolving to accommodate various mining platform of CPU, GPU, FPGA, ASIC. The cross-chain smart contract is inline with this principle as well.

Qitmeer Network 是基于BlockDAG技术的新一代支付网络基础设施,采用Layer1+Layer2(链上+链下)的扩容方案,以跨链智能合约链接整个区块链生态。